The Potter Home

About the Potters

Sheila Potter, an Appalachian State University employee, is the owner of the second ABAH house. Sheila is one of three daughters born to Boyd and Jewel Potter. She is a descendant of the original Potter family for which Pottertown, NC is named. Sheila's new Habitat home will be located in Pottertown on property that has been in her immediate family for over 100 years.

“It means the world to me to build on my own land. I can still be close to my mom, but the privacy and independence of having my own home is such a blessing.”

Sheila is most excited about having her own bathroom and having a place for her grandson to come spend the night.

Sheila has been an Appalachian State University employee since 2016. Prior to that, she worked at Hospitality Mints and Mabel Elementary School.

Sheila Potter and grandson


The Potter Home is pretty much complete! We had a wonderful home dedication Saturday April 23, with the Habitat staff and App Builds a Home team with Shiela. 

The exterior is almost finished and interior work is being completed. Both Sheila Potter and Kim Paterno have been helping out on interior construction!

Walls are officially up at the Potter home! In the last few weeks, superior walls were installed at the site of Sheila Potter’s home. We are excited for construction to continue!

Our other great news is that fundraising has been completed for the Potter home! Thanks to your generous and continued support, App Builds a Home has raised $70,000 that will go directly toward the construction of the Potter Home.


We had the chance in October to join Sheila and her grandson to talk to them about her new home! Check out this sweet video to hear from Sheila and to learn a little more about the house itself!

Advisory Board

2021 Student Organization Leadership Awards

We are excited to share that App Builds a Home has been awarded the 2021 Community Impact Award! This award recognizes a club that has contributed time, support, or money on a local level to better the Boone community.

Kayla McDougle, one of the ABAH co-directors, was also awarded the 2021 Outstanding Achievement Award. This prestigious award is designed to recognize an outstanding member within an organization for all of their individual hard work. This award is presented to a student that, through their achievements, makes a valuable contribution and lasting impact on the Appalachian State University campus and/or surrounding community.

All of us on the ABAH advisory board are thankful for the opportunity to serve the local community and are proud to be recognized by App State's Office of Campus Activities and Club Council!


  • Co-Chair: Mackenzie Millett
  • Co-Chair: Madison Allred
  • Misty Mayfield
  • Alex Hooker

Outreach Committee

  • Juston Smith
  • Eric Reeves
  • Mallory Sadler

Marketing Committee

  • Chair: MaryAnn Sanders

Fundraising Committee

  • Chair: Nikki Crees
  • JP Neri
  • Jonas Scott
  • Tasse Little

Congratulations Graduates!

As the App State semester finishes, we wanted to take the time to recognize our two graduating seniors. Allyson Medlin and Kayla McDougle have both been actively involved in the App Builds a Home project since its beginnings, and we are so thankful to them! Allyson will be attending UNC Chapel Hill in the fall for her Masters of Public Health, and Kayla plans to move to Denver, CO, to pursue a career in design. We are so proud of these two graduates and cannot wait to see the things they achieve!